A short message from Captain Bob
I am extremely proud to become your Captain for 2024. I know that it will be hard work, but also very enjoyable, hopefully for both you and me!
I want to pay tribute to Andy for his effort and commitment as 2023 Captain, and indeed to the rest of the Committee. It was a very good and successful year, although tinged with sadness at the untimely loss of our previous Captain Tom.
2023 also brought some challenges with home interclub matches having to take place on a Tuesday. The Committee recognised this and with the help of Tom Wiskin, we have spread the home matches for 2024 across the week, so that we can regain the full Tuesday experience!
A special mention to John Fogwill who is stepping down as Treasurer. We welcome Danny Spindler as his replacement, and together with Des and Steve continuing as Secretary and Fixtures Secretary, they are the engines that keep the section running so smoothly.
I look forward to working with everyone including my Vice-Captain Adrian Houslop, a past Secretary so he knows what he’s letting himself in for! Adrian, together with Tom W, is reintroducing The Burstead Seniors Open next July, which I hope, we can all support.
My chosen charity is BOSP (Brighter Opportunities for Special People) a local charity supporting children and young adults with complex disabilities or life-limiting conditions, and their families to live the best life possible.
So, here’s to a happy & healthy 2024 – I am always open to ideas; please do speak to me or anyone else on the Committee. I count myself lucky to be part of a thriving, friendly section that is the envy of many other clubs.