Friday, 1st December 2023
Time: 7.00pm for 7.30pm
Cost: £38 per person
This is the Captain’s main event of the year and a chance for your better halves to show off their posh frocks and it also helps round off the social calendar at the end of the Captains year.
It is a very enjoyable evening with fine food and wine amongst good friends. You can make up your own table of eight or simply join in with others. Why not come along and give yourself and your wife/partner a well earned night off.
This years music and entertainment will be provided by Mark.Willcock (aka Mags).
Dress: Lounge Suits and posh frocks for the ladies.
The menu will be shown below once it becomes available. Please choose one from each category when making your selections and let our Secretary (Des Allen) know your choices. Please pay the Treasurer a £10 deposit per person immediately and settle the balance by no later than Tuesday, 21st November 2023.